Yhwach (022) - UE01BT/BLC-1-022 (Normal, Uncommon)

Yhwach (022) - UE01BT/BLC-1-022 (Normal, Uncommon)


In stock (4)

  • Rarity Uncommon
    Number UE01BT/BLC-1-022
    Description [When Played] Your opponent reveals the top card of their deck. Place that card on the top of their deck or into their sideline.
    Series Name Bleach
    Card Type Character
    Affinities Stern Ritters
    Activation Energy Yellow
    Required Energy 3
    Action Point Cost 1
    Battle Point (BP) 3000
    Trigger [Color] Choose one character on your opponent's front line and switch it to resting. It will remain set to resting the next time it would be switched to active.
    Generated Energy YY
    Condition near mint
    Game Union Arena
    Set BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War
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