Trafalgar Law (ST10-010) (Reprint) (Foil, SR)

Trafalgar Law (ST10-010) (Reprint) (Foil, SR)


In stock (1)

  • Rarity SR
    Number ST10-010
    Description [Blocker] (After your opponent declares an attack, you may rest this card to make it the new target of the attack.)
    [On Play] DON!! -1 (You may return the specified number of DON!! cards from your field to your DON!! deck.): If your opponent has 7 or more cards in their hand, trash 2 cards from your opponent's hand.
    Disclaimer: This card was reprinted from the original set with changes to the artist credit (note the lack of pen symbol next to the artist name).
    Color Purple
    Card Type Character
    Cost 4
    Power 5000
    Subtype(s) Heart Pirates
    Counter+ 1000
    Attribute Slash
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