Garganacl - 104/182 (Holofoil, Rare)

Garganacl - 104/182 (Holofoil, Rare)


In stock (1)

  • Card Number 104/182
    Rarity Rare
    Card Type Fighting
    HP 160
    Stage Stage 2
    Card Text Ability — Energizing Rock Salt
    Once per turn, you may attach a Basic F Energy card from your discard pile to 1 of your Pokemon. If you attached Energy to a Pokemon in this way, heal 30 damage from that Pokemon.
    Attack 1 [FFF] Land Crush (140)
    Weakness Gx2
    Resistance None
    Retreat Cost 4
    Condition near mint
    Game Pokemon
    Set SV04: Paradox Rift
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