Sukuna (048) - UE03BT/JJK-1-048 (Foil, Super Rare)

Sukuna (048) - UE03BT/JJK-1-048 (Foil, Super Rare)


In stock (3)

  • Rarity Super Rare
    Number UE03BT/JJK-1-048
    Description [Impact (1)] (When this character attacks and wins a battle, deal 1 damage to your opponent.)
    [When Played] (If on the Front Line) Your opponent returns {one} character on their front line to their hand. If two to three copies of "Sukuna's Finger" are in your sideline, {two} instead. If four or more copies of "Sukuna's Finger" are in your sideline, {three} instead.
    Series Name Jujutsu Kaisen
    Card Type Character
    Activation Energy Blue
    Required Energy 6
    Action Point Cost 2
    Battle Point (BP) 4000
    Trigger [Get] Add this card to your hand.
    Generated Energy U
    Condition near mint
    Game Union Arena
    Set Jujutsu Kaisen
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