Straw Doll Technique: Resonance - UE03BT/JJK-1-032 (Normal, Common)

Straw Doll Technique: Resonance - UE03BT/JJK-1-032 (Normal, Common)


In stock (10)

  • Rarity Common
    Number UE03BT/JJK-1-032
    Description Choose one active character on your front line and one character on your opponent's front line and switch them to resting. If "Nobara Kugisaki" is on your field, choose up to one of your AP cards and switch it to active.
    Series Name Jujutsu Kaisen
    Card Type Event
    Activation Energy Yellow
    Required Energy 2
    Action Point Cost 1
    Trigger [Special] Choose one character on your opponent's front line and sideline it.
    Condition near mint
    Game Union Arena
    Set Jujutsu Kaisen
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