Shiftry - 005/162 (Normal, Uncommon)

Shiftry - 005/162 (Normal, Uncommon)


In stock (2)

  • Card Number 005/162
    Rarity Uncommon
    Card Type Grass
    HP 150
    Stage Stage 2
    Attack 1 [G] Expelling Tornado Choose 3 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. If you do, shuffle all of your opponent's Benched Pokémon that you didn't choose, and all cards attached to those Pokémon, into their deck.
    Attack 2 [C][C] Energy Loop (140) Put an Energy attached to this Pokemon into your hand.
    Weakness Rx2
    Resistance None
    Retreat Cost 2
    Condition near mint
    Game Pokemon
    Set SV05: Temporal Forces
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