Paldean Tauros - 120/091 - 120/091 (Holofoil, Shiny Rare)

Paldean Tauros - 120/091 - 120/091 (Holofoil, Shiny Rare)


In stock (1)

  • Card Number 120/091
    Rarity Shiny Rare
    Card Type Water
    HP 130
    Stage Basic
    Attack 1 [2] Ragin Horns (20+)
    This attack does 10 more damage for each damage counter on this Pokemon.
    Attack 2 [2W] Aqua Dive
    This attack does 60 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.)
    Weakness Lx2
    Resistance None
    Retreat Cost 2
    Condition near mint
    Game Pokemon
    Set SV: Paldean Fates
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