Naganadel GX - 56/131 (Holofoil, Ultra Rare)

Naganadel GX - 56/131 (Holofoil, Ultra Rare)


In stock (1)

  • Card Number 56/131
    Rarity Ultra Rare
    Card Type Psychic
    HP 210
    Stage Stage 1
    Attack 1 [1] Beast Raid (20×)
    This attack does 20 damage for each of your Ultra Beasts in play.
    Attack 2 [2P] Jet Needle (110)
    This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness or Resistance.
    Attack 3 [3] Stinger GX
    Both players shuffle their Prize cards into their decks. Then, each player puts the top 3 cards of their deck face down as their Prize cards. (You can't use more than 1 GX attack in a game.)
    Weakness Px2
    Resistance None
    Retreat Cost 1
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