Mother Gothel - Conceited Manipulator - 89/204 (Cold Foil, Uncommon)

Mother Gothel - Conceited Manipulator - 89/204 (Cold Foil, Uncommon)


In stock (1)

  • Rarity Uncommon
    Number 89/204
    Description [Mother Knows Best] When you play this character, you may pay 3 Ink to return chosen character to their player's hand.
    Property Tangled
    Cost (Ink) 2
    Character Version Conceited Manipulator
    Ink Type Emerald
    Card Type Character
    Classification Storyborn;Villain
    Strength 1
    Willpower 3
    Lore Value 1
    Flavor Text “A beautiful lady never stands meekly at the back of the line.”
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