Megumi Fushiguro (056) - UE03BT/JJK-1-056 (Normal, Common)

Megumi Fushiguro (056) - UE03BT/JJK-1-056 (Normal, Common)


In stock (12)

  • Rarity Common
    Number UE03BT/JJK-1-056
    Description [When Played] Choose up to one character with 1500 or more BP on your opponent's field. It loses 1000 BP until the end of the turn.
    Series Name Jujutsu Kaisen
    Card Type Character
    Activation Energy Blue
    Required Energy 1
    Action Point Cost 1
    Battle Point (BP) 2000
    Generated Energy U
    Condition near mint
    Game Union Arena
    Set Jujutsu Kaisen
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