Lim (037) - OP09-037 (Foil, SR)

Lim (037) - OP09-037 (Foil, SR)


In stock (2)

  • Rarity SR
    Number OP09-037
    Description [On Play] Look at 5 cards from the top of your deck; reveal up to 1 "ODYSSEY" type card other than [Lim] and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order.
    [End of Your Turn] If you have 3 or more rested Characters, set this Character as active.
    Color Green
    Card Type Character
    Cost 3
    Power 5000
    Subtype(s) ODYSSEY
    Attribute Wisdom
    Condition near mint
    Game One Piece Card Game
    Set Emperors in the New World
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