Iron Jugulis - 139/162 (Normal, Uncommon)

Iron Jugulis - 139/162 (Normal, Uncommon)


In stock (2)

  • Card Number 139/162
    Rarity Uncommon
    Card Type Colorless
    HP 130
    Stage Basic
    Card Text Ability—Auto Marshal
    If this Pokémon is in the Active Spot and is damaged by an attack from your opponent's Pokémon (even if this Pokémon is Knocked Out), put 3 damage counters on the Attacking Pokémon.
    Attack 1 [C][C][C] Blasting Wind (110)
    Weakness Lx2
    Resistance F-30
    Retreat Cost 2
    Condition near mint
    Game Pokemon
    Set SV05: Temporal Forces
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