Drilbur - 085/162 (Reverse Holofoil, Common)

Drilbur - 085/162 (Reverse Holofoil, Common)


In stock (1)

  • Card Number 085/162
    Rarity Common
    Card Type Fighting
    HP 70
    Stage Basic
    Card Text Ability—Dig Dig Dig
    When you play this Pokémon from your hand onto your Bench during your turn, you may search your deck for up to 3 Basic [F] Energy and discard them. Then, shuffle your deck.
    Attack 1 [F][C] Sand Spray (20)
    Weakness Gx2
    Resistance None
    Retreat Cost 1
    Condition near mint
    Game Pokemon
    Set SV05: Temporal Forces
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