Cornelia li Britannia (039) - UE04BT/CGH-1-039 (Foil, Rare)

Cornelia li Britannia (039) - UE04BT/CGH-1-039 (Foil, Rare)


In stock (4)

  • Rarity Rare
    Number UE04BT/CGH-1-039
    Description [When Played] Play up to one green character card with 2 or less required energy and 1 AP cost from your hand set to resting onto your field.
    Series Name Code Geass
    Card Type Character
    Affinities Holy Britannian Empire
    Activation Energy Green
    Required Energy 3
    Action Point Cost 1
    Battle Point (BP) 2500
    Trigger [Color] Play one green character card with 2 or less required energy and 1 AP cost from your hand set to active onto your field.
    Generated Energy G
    Condition near mint
    Game Union Arena
    Set Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
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