Checkmate - UE04BT/CGH-1-033 (Normal, Common)

Checkmate - UE04BT/CGH-1-033 (Normal, Common)


In stock (10)

  • Rarity Common
    Number UE04BT/CGH-1-033
    Description Choose one character on your front line. It gains 2000 BP until the end of the turn. If "Lelouch Lamperouge" is on your field, the chosen character also gains [Impact (+1)] (Increase Impact damage by 1. If the card does not have Impact, it gains [Impact (1)]) until the end of the turn.
    Series Name Code Geass
    Card Type Event
    Activation Energy Purple
    Required Energy 2
    Action Point Cost 1
    Trigger [Active] Choose one character on your field and switch it to active. It gains 3000 BP until the end of the turn.
    Condition near mint
    Game Union Arena
    Set Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
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