C.C. (076) - UE04BT/CGH-1-076 (Normal, Uncommon)

C.C. (076) - UE04BT/CGH-1-076 (Normal, Uncommon)


In stock (7)

  • Rarity Uncommon
    Number UE04BT/CGH-1-076
    Description If you have one or more "Delivery Pizza" cards in your sideline, this character gains 500 BP.
    If you have one or more "Giant Pizza" cards in your sideline, this character gains 500 BP.
    Series Name Code Geass
    Card Type Character
    Affinities Ashford Academy
    Activation Energy Red
    Required Energy 3
    Action Point Cost 1
    Battle Point (BP) 3000+
    Generated Energy RR
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